
Update sa Pagbabago ng Trabaho sa Ontario: Pagbabalik-tanaw at Pagpaplano sa Pasulong

Employment System in Ontario is undergoing a last leg of a historic transformation that will see Employment Ontario, Ontario Works, and Ontario Disability Support Program delivered through a new and integrated service delivery model. Several municipalities in Ontario have already transitioned to the new model while Toronto is expected to do so in 2024. Reporting to a System Service Manager is another new aspect of the system transformation. Toronto North LIP members have expressed questions and concerns about the transition to the new service delivery, reporting, and funding model and the impact of it on their newcomer clients. In response to our members’ requests, TNLIP has reached out to First Work Ontario to provide an update and help our members plan for the forthcoming transformation. The most recent webinar delivered to TNLIP members by First Work can be accessed on our YouTube Channel.

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