
2022 TNLIP Faith Forum

2022 Faith & Welcoming Communities Forum was successfully held on May 17th 10 am-1pm. Over 100 attendees joined us this year in exploring Community Engagement and Collective Wellbeing: Strengthening Partnership between Faith Groups and Newcomer Settlement Organizations as well as Local Community Group. This is our fourth city-wide Faith & Welcoming Communities Forum. It’s a great collaboration and knowledge exchange platform for faith leaders and newcomer service providers across Toronto in creating more welcoming communities for all. It is led by Toronto North LIP and organised in collaboration with the InterLIP, which includes TWLIP, TEQ LIP, TSLIP, and the Toronto Newcomer Office as well as TNLIP key partners. Big thanks to the 2022 Faith Forum planning committee-this is an absolutely collective effort! You can watch the recording on the TNLIP YouTube page.

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