Canada’s Caregiver Program and Its Impact on Family Reunification and Family Relationships (Filipino Families)  

North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP), in collaboration with the North York Community House (NYCH), hosted this webinar focusing on the unique experiences of (Live-in) Caregivers in Canada under the Caregiver Program, and ...資源/canadas-caregiver-program-and-its-impact-on-family-reunification-and-family-relationships-filipino-families/

網路研討會 健康與福祉


April 8th, Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP) is organizing an expert panel aimed at discussing how we can enhance the access to employment and labour market for refugee claimants.  Our members (service providers) are experiencing an unprecedented ...資源/支持難民申請人公平就業機會的差距和資源專家小/

網路研討會 Employment & Labour Market