Toward Effective Settlement Services Through Understanding of Newcomer Lived Experiences: Community Engagement Summary Report (2023)  

2024, Toronto began transitioning to a new Employment Service system, affecting key programs like Ontario Works, Employment Ontario, and ODSP. Recognizing the unique needs of newcomers, Toronto's four LIPs initiated community consultations, ...資源/toward-effective-settlement-services-through-understanding-of-newcomer-lived-experiences-community-engagement-summary-report-2023/

報告 Employment & Labour Market

通往全民健保的橋樑 – 安大略省讓全省所有居民都能獲得醫院照護的計畫的好處  

March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Ministry of Health (MOH) issued a directive to extend funding for all medically necessary hospital care to residents without health insurance. An ...資源/report-a-bridge-to-universal-healthcare-the-benefits-of-ontarios-program-to-make-hospital-care-accessible-to-all-residents-本省/

報告 健康與福祉