TNLIP is a multi-sectoral planning table that brings a cross-section of stakeholders together to identify ways in which to support settlement and integration of immigrants into local communities.
Where we are located

Diverse stakeholders across Toronto North work collaboratively to build welcoming communities for newcomer settlement success.
To enhance the capacity and resilience of Toronto North service providers and stakeholders to enrich the newcomer experience and address current and emerging needs through service coordination, leveraged partnerships and community knowledge.
Guiding Principles
The TNLIP recognizes that the needs of the North York community are diverse and emerging. To balance vision and reality, our work will be guided by a set of principles for implementation.
Indirect: TNLIP addresses newcomer needs indirectly at the system level through collaboration with our partners to improve service delivery.
Member-led: The TNLIP Partnership Council (PC) and Work Group members take leadership on implementation of the strategy with support from the TNLIP team. The core strategic design is informed and co-developed by the PC.
Equity-focused: All our work is conducted with an equity lens; there must not be any discrimination based on race, creed, national or ethnic origin, immigration status, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, a physical or mental disability.
Participatory: The TNLIP will include newcomer voices in design, decision-making, and delivery of activities and strategic direction.
Open: Communication with the Partnership Council will be timely, transparent, and comprehensive. Information is shared with the assumption of good faith.
This Newcomer Settlement Strategy is a living document which will respond to changes in the environment that are beyond our control, such as pandemics, refugee crises, labour market trends, or political changes, and other emerging issues.
What are Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs)?
Local Immigration Partnerships (LIP) are designed and funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to foster a systemic approach to engage multi-sectoral partnerships with Service Providers, to integrate newcomers; support community-based knowledge and information sharing, and local strategic planning; and improve service coordination, facilitating newcomer and immigrant settlement and integration.
LIPs do not provide direct services but instead build the social capital and resiliency of communities by engaging and enhancing strategic local planning with a range of stakeholders. Our ultimate goal is to leverage new partnerships and community knowledge to support the adaptation of services to better serve newcomers. Our main objectives are to:
- Support collaboration in planning and delivery of integration services to newcomers;
- Facilitate the development and application of a local and regional solutions-based settlement plan for the successful integration of newcomers that is sustainable;
- Strengthen local community capacity to foster welcoming communities for newcomers by supporting equitable integration and settlement, improving access to health and employment service delivery pathways;
- Achieve better results, as indicated by increased economic, social, political, and civic participation by newcomers in Toronto North.