Employment System Transformation: Information Session with WCG for Newcomer Service Providers  

informaion session wih WCG is specifically for newcomer service providers who wish o undersand how he Employmen Sysem Transformaion is unfolding in Torono and engage in a conversaion abou he impac i ...


웨비나 Employment & Labour Market

Canada’s Caregiver Program and Its Impact on Family Reunification and Family Relationships (Filipino Families)  

Norh Local Immigraion Parnership (TNLIP), in collaboraion wih he Norh York Communiy House (NYCH), hosed his webinar focusing on he unique experiences of (Live-in) Caregivers in Canada under he Caregiver Program, and ...


웨비나 건강 및 웰빙

난민 신청자 지원에 관한 전문가 패널: 고용에 대한 공평한 접근을 위한 격차와 자원  

April 8h, Torono Norh Local Immigraion Parnership (TNLIP) is organizing an exper panel aimed a discussing how we can enhance he access o employmen and labour marke for refugee claimans.  Our members (service providers) are experiencing an unprecedened ...


웨비나 Employment & Labour Market
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