Community Sponsorship Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit  

was his oolki developed?This oolki was developed o provide refugee communiy sponsorship programs wih pracical seps, resources, and illusraions when designing and conducing heir own monioring and evaluaion. Wha is communiy sponsorship?Communiy sponsorship allows individual people ...자원/community-sponsorship-monitoring-and-evaluation-toolkit/

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주민 참여 워크숍 툴킷: 권력, 참여, 의사소통 및 의사결정 탐구  

This workshop oolki was a collaboraive projec by members of he Torono Srong Neighbourhoods Sraegy  (TSNS) Advisory Group and Social Planning Torono (SPT). I is he oucome of communiy consulaions, carried ou beween Augus and ecember 2022, on bes pracices for residen engagemen.Click here o view he oolki. a_residen_engagemen_workshop_oolki_final-1ownload ...자원/권력-참여-커뮤니케이션-의사결정을-탐구하는-주민/

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