
Building Resilience and Adapting to Changing Times Through Collaboration: 2021 Annual Faith & Welcoming Communities Forum

On Tuesday March 9, 2021, we hosted our annual Faith & Welcoming Communities Forum. This event is an annual city-wide collaboration and knowledge exchange platform for faith leaders and newcomer service providers across Toronto in creating more welcoming communities for all. It is led by Toronto North LIP and organized in collaboration with the InterLIP, which includes TWLIP, TEQ LIP, TSLIP, and the Toronto Newcomer Office as well as TNLIP key partners. 2021 Faith & Welcoming Communities Forum was held virtually on Tuesday March 09th 10am-1pm. The theme this year was Building Resilience and Adapting to Changing Times Through Collaboration.

Forum highlights:

 Keynote speech on Faith and Immigration in Canadian context

 Performance: Spoken Word Poetry

 Panel discussion: Addressing food security issue during the pandemic collaboratively between different faith groups and service provider organizations across Toronto

 Inspirational closing speech by InterFaith Leader

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