
2024 신앙지도자 네트워킹 행사

This year’s Faith Leaders Networking Event was held on May 15th, 2024 at Ethennonnhawahstihnen’ Community Recreation Centre and Library. Thirty faith leaders from Toronto attended from five different faiths. The purpose of this event was to create a collaborative space for faith leaders to connect, learn and work together to help the communities they serve. Opening remarks were given by Father Hernan on the importance of interfaith partnerships and the benefits of finding common ground in the multi-faith space. The keynote address was by Pastor Judith James who discussed ‘How did faith communities step up during the asylum seekers housing crisis?’ Roundtable discussions were aimed at discovering innovative solutions for how can the settlement sector support faith communities to continue the amazing work they are doing to support newcomers. Key learnings included the need for greater information sharing and resources given to faith communities and increasing their funding capacities. Overall, it was a successful event for inter-faith collaboration! 

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