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Gruppo di esperti sul sostegno ai richiedenti rifugiati: lacune e risorse per un accesso equo all’occupazione

On Monday April 8th, Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP) is organizing an expert panel aimed at discussing how we can enhance the access to employment and labour market for refugee claimants. 

Our members (service providers) are experiencing an unprecedented surge in demand for services from refugee claimants, indicating a deepening crisis. This situation is further complicated by the lack of clear information about available resources. Policymakers agree that meaningful employment is the best way for sustainably supporting refugees and asylum seekers. 

This panel is an outcome of the recognized needs as well as discussions with the “Temporary foreign workers, International Students, and refugee Claimants” (TISC) task group whose focus to enhancing support for immigrants with temporary status who may be ineligible for IRCC-funded services. 

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