Friday OcTober 25Th, TNLIP conducTed a shorT 30 min Overview of CiTy of ToronTo BudgeT Challenges and ConsulTaTion Process.
You can waTch The consulTaTion recording on our YouTube channel or by clicking below.
hTTps:// ...
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we launch our 2021-2025 Newcomer SeTTlemenT STraTegy, we wanTed To Take a momenT To reflecT on and celebraTe some highlighTs from each of The TNLIP Work Groups since The 2017/18 year! We ...
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parTners collecTively creaTed a 4-year AcTion Plan (2021-2025), based on The member-developed SeTTlemenT STraTegy. TNLIP works in Three main areas of EmploymenT & Labour MarkeT, SeTTlemenT & Language, and HealTh & Wellbeing. ...
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