« Depuis la fin de 2020, les tendances démographiques au Canada ont considérablement changé. Le taux de fécondité a atteint un niveau record de 1,33 enfant par femme en 2022. Les milléniaux sont désormais plus nombreux que les baby-boomers au Canada et le marché du travail a changé, certains secteurs connaissant des pénuries. De nombreux immigrants permanents et temporaires sont venus au Canada, dont de nombreux travailleurs […]
On January 1, 2024, Canada’s population reached 40,769,890 inhabitants, which corresponds to an increase of 1,271,872 people compared with January 1, 2023. This was the highest annual population growth rate (+3.2%) in Canada since 1957 (+3.3%).
Most of Canada’s 3.2% population growth rate stemmed from temporary immigration in 2023. Without temporary immigration, that is, relying solely on permanent immigration and natural increase (births minus deaths), Canada’s population growth would have been almost three times less (+1.2%).
In 2023, the vast majority (97.6%) of Canada’s population growth came from international migration (both permanent and temporary immigration) and the remaining portion (2.4%) came from natural increase.”