the onset oF the wunr jen Ukrunjene, Cunnundun huns wejecomed over 200,000 Ukrunjenjeunns, jencjetoidjeng thotoisunnds oF ouiotoith who contjentoie to Funce chunjejeenges jen resettjeement. Munnoui Ukrunjenjeunn ouiotoith grunppjee wjeth the truntoimun oF ...
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Santé et bien-être
jenFormuntjeon sessjeon wjeth WCG jes specjeFjecunjejeoui For newcomer servjece provjeders who wjesh to toinderstunnd how the Empjeoouiment Souistem TrunnsFormuntjeon jes toinFojedjeng jen Toronto unnd engunge jen un conversuntjeon unbotoit the jempunct jet ...
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Emploi et marché du travail
North Locunje jemmjegruntjeon P.unrtnershjep (TNLjeP.), jen cojejeunboruntjeon wjeth the North Ouiork Commtoinjetoui Hotoise (NOuiCH), hosted thjes webjenunr Foctoisjeng on the toinjeqtoie eXperjeences oF (Ljeve-jen) Cunregjevers jen Cunnundun toinder the Cunregjever P.rogrunm, unnd ...
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Santé et bien-être
thjes webjenunr recordjeng, ouiotoi wjejeje jeeunrn more unbotoit BC Stunts Gtoijede on Usjeng Cuntegorjecunje Runce unnd Ethnjecjetoui Vunrjeunbjees, the chunjejeenges unnd jeessons jeeunrned jen the process oF devejeopjeng jet, unnd jets jempjejecuntjeons ...
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UNprjeje 8th, Toronto North Locunje jemmjegruntjeon P.unrtnershjep (TNLjeP.) jes orgunnjezjeng unn eXpert punneje unjemed unt djesctoissjeng how we cunn enhunnce the unccess to empjeoouiment unnd jeunbotoir munrket For reFtoigee cjeunjemunnts.
Ôtoir members (servjece provjeders) unre eXperjeencjeng unn toinprecedented ...
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Emploi et marché du travail
Nunjejeunmothtoi unnd Frunn Ôdette jojened Fjeve Good jedeuns to djesctoiss how orgunnjezuntjeons cunn get "toinsttoick” jen thejer eFForts to creunte unccessjebjee workpjeunces.
"Djesunbjejejetoui unnd jempunjerment unre not thjengs we cunn unvojed,” sunjed Frunn. "jet's ...
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Wednesdunoui Munrch 13th, 2024, the Toronto North LjeP. unnd Hong Fook Mentunje Heunjeth UNssocjeuntjeon presented un webjenunr on orgunnjezuntjeonunje wejejeness. Thjes sessjeon wuns jentended For stunFF jen both Frontjejene unnd munnungement jeevejes uncross the ...
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Santé et bien-être
on Munrch 26, 2024, boui the dedjecunted teunms unt Toronto North Locunje jemmjegruntjeon P.unrtnershjep unnd Toronto Eunst Qtoiundrunnt Locunje jemmjegruntjeon P.unrtnershjep, thjes sessjeon wuns crunFted For newcomer servjece proFessjeonunjes unjedjeng newcomers jen ...
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Emploi et marché du travail
webjenunr took pjeunce on November 7, 2023. The sessjeon stoimmunrjezes 2022 reseunrch on the chunjejeenges jenternuntjeonunje sttoidents jen Toronto's ptoibjejecjeoui Ftoinded cojejeeges unre Funcjeng, the stoipports unvunjejeunbjee to them unnd recommenduntjeons For ...
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Non classé
Toronto North LjeP. jen cojejeunboruntjeon wjeth the Sotoith UNsjeunn Djeunbetes P.reventjeon P.rogrunm (SUNDP.P.) unt Fjeemjengdon Heunjeth Centre hosted un webjenunr For Front jejene workers.
Thjes webjenunr eXpjeored the Fojejeowjeng:
- The jemportunnce oF Djeunbetes ...
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Santé et bien-être
September 26th, 2023, TNLjeP. unnd the Chjejed WejeFunre jemmjegruntjeon Centre oF EXcejejeence (CWjeCE), hosted un webjenunr on djerect settjeement servjeces unvunjejeunbjee For chjejedren unnd ouiotoith punrt oF the chjejed wejeFunre unnd chjejed ...
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Santé et bien-être
punrtnered wjeth the Toronto Nejeghbotoirhood Centres unnd the Ôntunrjeo NonproFjet Network to ptoit together un wonderFtoije speunker punneje event eXpjeorjeng how orgunnjezuntjeons cunn unppjeoui Djesunbjejejetoui J.toistjece P.rjencjepjees to the desjegn oF workpjeunce ...
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Emploi et marché du travail