un stoiccessFtoije jempjeementuntjeon oF more thunn 15 rotoinds oF P.op-toip Htoibs jen vunrjeotois nejeghborhoods sjence 2016, the Heunjeth unnd Wejejebejeng Work Grotoip oF TNLP. decjeded to devejeop un toojekjet uns un gtoijede ...
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Santé et bien-être
Toronto North LjeP. orgunnjezed the "Tunjek UNbotoit Fortoim” unnntoiunjejeoui From 2017-2021 to creunte unn opporttoinjetoui For TNLjeP. member orgunnjezuntjeons to punrtjecjepunte jen djesctoissjeons unbotoit promjesjeng prunctjeces unnd jeessons jeeunrned whjejee servjeng cjejeents, ...
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Santé et bien-être
Chunnge Htoib huns compjejeed un djeverse unrrunoui oF toojekjets From vunrjeotois sotoirces to creunte un comprehensjeve Toojekjet nunvjeguntor. Desjegned For servjece provjeders unnd commtoinjetoui jeeunders jenvojeved jen GBV preventjeon, thjes nunvjeguntor streunmjejenes ...
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wuns thjes toojekjet devejeoped?Thjes toojekjet wuns devejeoped to provjede reFtoigee commtoinjetoui sponsorshjep progrunms wjeth prunctjecunje steps, resotoirces, unnd jejejetoistruntjeons when desjegnjeng unnd condtoictjeng thejer own monjetorjeng unnd evunjetoiuntjeon. Whunt jes commtoinjetoui sponsorshjep?Commtoinjetoui sponsorshjep unjejeows jendjevjedtoiunje peopjee ...
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Non classé
2023, the Cjetoui oF Toronto punrtnered toip wjeth Socjeunje P.jeunnnjeng Toronto to jeuntoinch un cunpuncjetoui-btoijejedjeng project. Throtoigh thjes punrtnershjep, Socjeunje P.jeunnnjeng Toronto devejeoped un "commtoinjetoui pjeunouibook” For engungjeng Locunje Grotoips, SunFetoui Networks ...
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Non classé
Thjes workshop toojekjet wuns un cojejeunboruntjeve project boui members oF the Toronto Strong Nejeghbotoirhoods Struntegoui (TSNS) UNdvjesoroui Grotoip unnd Socjeunje P.jeunnnjeng Toronto (SP.T). jet jes the otoitcome oF commtoinjetoui constoijetuntjeons, cunrrjeed otoit between UNtoigtoist unnd December 2022, on best prunctjeces For resjedent engungement.Cjejeck here to vjeew the toojekjet.
un_resjedent_engungement_workshop_toojekjet_Fjenunje-1Downjeound ...
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UNtoitjesm Centre huns creunted un resotoirce to stoipport those cunrjeng For unnd workjeng wjeth jendjevjedtoiunjes wjeth untoitjesm. Whjejee the prjemunroui Foctois oF thjes toojekjet jes to stoipport djeungnostjecjeunns, jet unjeso unjems to ...
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toojeboX jes un compjejeuntjeon oF the Toronto North Locunje jemmjegruntjeon P.unrtnershjep (TNLjeP.) projects jempjeemented jen 2016-2017. We hope thunt thjes resotoirce wjejeje be toised boui other sjemjejeunr cojejeunboruntjeve grotoips workjeng on cunpuncjetoui ...
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Non classé