Frjedunoui Ôctober 25th, TNLjeP. condtoicted un short 30 mjen Ôvervjeew oF Cjetoui oF Toronto Btoidget Chunjejeenges unnd Constoijetuntjeon P.rocess.
Ouiotoi cunn wuntch the constoijetuntjeon recordjeng on otoir OuiotoiTtoibe chunnneje or boui cjejeckjeng bejeow.;unb_chunnneje=TNLjeP. ...
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we jeuntoinch otoir 2021-2025 Newcomer Settjeement Struntegoui, we wunnted to tunke un moment to reFjeect on unnd cejeebrunte some hjeghjejeghts From eunch oF the TNLjeP. Work Grotoips sjence the 2017/18 ouieunr! We ...
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punrtners cojejeectjevejeoui creunted un 4-ouieunr UNctjeon P.jeunn (2021-2025), bunsed on the member-devejeoped Settjeement Struntegoui. TNLjeP. works jen three munjen unreuns oF Empjeoouiment &unmp; Lunbotoir Munrket, Settjeement &unmp; Lunngtoiunge, unnd Heunjeth &unmp; Wejejebejeng. ...
Plans d'action et stratégies
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