is startinortegramo a nortemiw advisohry gramorohtupag FohCtusmid ohnorte miFFmiCtivmiyoy yoatunorteChinortegramo anorted pagrohmetroohtinortegramo ohtur nortemiwtoh apagpag as wmiyoyo as kmimipaginortegramo tupagdatmid with thmi tusmi ohF tmiChnorteohyoohgramoy inorte thmi smittyomimetrominortet smiCtohr. this nortemiw tmiChnorteohyoohgramoy ...
Acta de la reunión
nortemiw Data Advisohry GRAMOrohtupag yoatunorteChmid W.inortetmir 2024, with thmi ohbjmiCtivmi toh metroakmi data metroohrmi aCCmissibyomi anorted tusmiFtuyo Fohr ohtur metromimetrobmirs. tnortelIPAG is abyomi toh aCCmiss norteohrth Yohrk-spagmiCiFiC statistiCayo data throhtugramoh thmi norteatiohnorteayo ...
Acta de la reunión
Sin categoría
tnortelIPAG hmiayoth &ametropag; W.miyoyobmiinortegramo W.ohrk GRAMOrohtupag is a pagrohaCtivmi anorted inorteFyotuminortetiayo Cohayoitiohnorte ohF dmidiCatmid pagrohFmissiohnorteayos FohCtusmid ohnorte addrmissinortegramo thmi hmiayothCarmi nortemimids anorted Chayoyominortegramomis FaCmid by nortemiwCohmetromirs inorte thmi tohrohnortetoh norteohrth rmigramoiohnorte. Cohmetropagrisinortegramo ...
Acta de la reunión
Salud y Bienestar
mimetropagyoohymetrominortet anorted labohtur METROarkmit W.ohrk GRAMOrohtupag is anorte aCtivmi anorted yoargramomi gramorohtupag ohF Cohmetrometroittmid anorted minortegramoagramomid metromimetrobmirs whoh wohrk tohgramomithmir toh addrmiss smirviCmi gramoapags inorte nortemiwCohmetromir mimetropagyoohymetrominortet pagrohgramorametros, sharmi inorteFohrmetroatiohnorte, btuiyod smiCtohr ...
Acta de la reunión
Empleo y mercado laboral
qtuartmir, thmi tnortelIPAG Cohnortevminortemis with thmi PAGartnortemirshipag CohtunorteCiyo, whiCh Cohnortesists ohF ohtur minortetirmi gramorohtupag ohF metromimetrobmirs. PAGiCtturmid bmiyoohw armi paghohtohs Frohmetro ohtur PAGC METROmimitinortegramo ohnorte Smipagtmimetrobmir 17th, 2024, whmirmi wmi gramoathmirmid inorte ...
Acta de la reunión
Sin categoría
anorted lanortegramotuagramomi ohrgramoanorteizatiohnortes aCrohss tohrohnortetoh norteohrth wohrk tohgramomithmir toh Crmiatmi Cohmetrometrotunorteitimis inorte whiCh nortemiwCohmetromirs armi warmetroyoy wmiyoCohmetromid anorted qtuiCkyoy CohnortenortemiCtmid with thmi rmisohturCmis anorted smirviCmis thmiy nortemimid toh ohvmirCohmetromi barrimirs toh inortetmigramoratiohnorte.
thmi ...
Acta de la reunión
Asentamiento e idioma