
Toronto Public Health Strategic Consultation Report

This report was developed by the Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP) as part of a collaborative effort to contribute to the 2024-2028 Toronto Public Health Strategic Plan. In early 2024, Toronto Public Health (TPH) initiated a city-wide call for public suggestions and submissions to help shape their upcoming strategic priorities. The new strategic plan will guide TPH’s work over the next four years on key issues related to the physical, mental, and social determinants of health for everyone in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area.

Toronto North LIP organized a community consultation to gather and consolidate input from its members. The goal was to ensure that the voices of local communities were represented in the broader strategic planning process. Managers and decision-makers of 20 organizations in Toronto North regions were invited to participate in the consultation or appoint a designated staff to attend in their place. The invitation was accepted by 11 participants, representing 11 different organizations. In addition to the above, 6 members anonymously participated in the online survey, totaling participation from 16 organizations for this consultation.

Since the consultation, TPH has released the finalized Strategic Plan for 2024-2028, which reflects the collective input received from various agencies, public partners, and stakeholders across the city.

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