
Supporting Toronto International College Students: A Way Forward

This webinar took place on November 7, 2023. The session summarizes 2022 research on the challenges international students in Toronto’s publicly funded colleges are facing, the supports available to them and recommendations for improving support. An expert panel discusses key questions and challenges and offers best practice examples and suggestions for a better way forward.

Dr. Marshia Akbar, Research Lead on Labour Integration at Toronto Metropolitan University’s CERC, summarizes her research and recommendations. The panel discussion is moderated by Srna Stambuk, Manager, Toronto North Local Immigration Partnershp (LIP). Panel members are Rahila Mushtaq, General Manager, COSTI Immigrant Services and International Student Connect; Rina Di Mito, Manager, Industry and Community Connector Hub, International Graduate School, Humber College; Muna Jimale, Manaager, Policy & Advocacy, World Education Services (WES); and Sabrina Silva, Executive Assistant at ACHEV and former international student.

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