Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP) started the Family Health Ambassadors (FHAs) pilot project in late 2018. The aim of the project was to improve newcomer access to family health services by training frontline workers as ambassadors to educate newcomers about the availability and confidentiality of family health services and to make appropriate referrals. The pilot project phase ran from February 1st to July 31st, 2019. A follow-up survey was administered to the FHAs in mid-May of 2019, at which time the FHAs were seeing newcomer clients and had enough resources and tools to serve clients. TNLIP continuously kept contact with and provided support to FHAs during the pilot phase. The pilot project phase ended on July 31st, 2019, but the FHAs will continue serving clients. TNLIP evaluated the project at the end of the pilot phase and conducted an impact evaluation after one year in November 2020. Due to the success of the project, TNLIP decided to develop a toolkit to serve as a guiding document for those who are interested in replicating the Family Health Ambassadors model.
Family Health Ambassador Project Toolkit